Create Student
Students are usually added to Testwise whenever they need to complete an assessment and are not existing users of the platform.
After you add a new Student user, you may add them to a Students List. You can then view their details, add them to a test sitting and grant them access to a Test Lobby where they can complete assessments at a future date.
You can also import a batch of Students, if you want to add multiple Students at the same time, rather than adding each user individually.
How to add a student to the Student List
1. Click on the Students button on the Testwise home screen to display the Students List, which lists all the existing Student users registered on the platform.

2. Click on the Add Student button and fill in the relevant details for the Student user you are trying to create. Please take note of mandatory fields denoted by an asterisk (*).
If a red warning triangle appears next to any field, hover your mouse over the triangle to read the error message. Change the information you entered in that field to ensure it is in the correct format.
Please refer to the 'Understand Student Details' section for guidance on the type of information you can enter in each box.
Note: If a scroll bar is displayed on this screen, there are additional fields which are not currently displayed on your screen. Use the scroll bar to view these details.
3. When you have finished entering the Student's details, click the Save button.
A green 'Student Successfully Created' message will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
You will now be able to see the newly created student at the top of the Student List.
4. To return to the home screen, click on the Home button.