You can create a new user whenever you want to enable someone within your school to access Testwise. Users also include other members of staff.
When you create a user, it is added to the Users List. You can then view the details about them at a future date.

Example of a Users List
Users can be created at various levels in the user hierarchy. The level of the hierarchy in which you can create new users depends on the user permissions you have been granted. The process for working within the Users area is the same, regardless of which level of user you are creating.
The Teacher role, which is the most popular user type, is at the lowest level in the hierarchy and has access to Sittings, Students, Reports and Services areas. The Teacher will use the system on a regular basis to create Sittings and view student test results using Reports.
Note: You can only access the 'Users' functional area if you have the relevant user permissions. The School Administrator user can access this area, but the Teacher user does not have access to this area.
When working with Users you can:
- Create Users
- View the Users List
- Change Details of a User
- Reset User Passwords
- Deactivate Users
- Restore Deactivated Users
- Understand User Details