Create a Progress Report
Progress reports allow you to view data from two or more related assessments in a single report. One example of this is to view progress across two or three test points of NGRT or NGST.
NGRT and NGST are time-efficient and accurate tests of a student's reading and spelling attainment that can be administered at key points of schooling. For instance, upon transfer from primary to secondary school – and thereafter, these can be used year-by-year or term-by-term to track the student's progress.
- If students have been given a targeted intervention, the Cross Assessment or Progress Reports can be used to measure progress over a short time, for example, over three to six months.
- Forms A, B and C can be used so that students are tested with different but equivalent material at the second and third points of testing.
- Patterns of scores that represent significant progress or a significant lack of progress are presented clearly.
The following information provides further detail to support the report creation process:
- It is recommended that the Students selected for inclusion in a report are all tested within a 6-week window of one another, for each test point. This will ensure that any comparisons being made within a group are fair, with start and finish points being at similar times in the academic year.
- It also recommended that for any individual student, there is a minimum of 8 weeks between tests to allow enough time for their progress to be demonstrated.
- By default, the three points of Progress Report are selected, with options available for you to select the academic years for the start, mid and finish points. You can choose to change this to a two-point Progress Report. If you have made any academic year selections, these will be reset.
- The three test forms (A, B and C) of NGRT and NGST are equivalent, that is they are intended to allow you to test your students at different points in time at the same level of difficulty, but with different test content.
- If you plan to measure progress within a single academic year, the forms of the test that the student takes must be different. A student tested, for example, in September with Form A, could have their performance compared to Form B, taken in April, and Form C, taken in June. If duplicate forms are taken within one academic year, such as if Form A is taken twice or more, these cannot be compared in a report.
- If students have been tested more than once within a single academic year, regardless of the form of the test taken (A, B or C) it is the most recent test taken that is automatically selected for inclusion in the Report.
- If students have been tested more than once within a single academic year with the same form of the test, only one tick will be shown in the 'Form' column on the Student Selection screen.