Whole Pupil View (WPV)
Whole Pupil View
The WPV allows you to navigate through the data of specific students.

Filters in WPV
On the WPV, the Filter area plays a different role; the visual shows the details of the current student, including:
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Year group
- FSM/Free and Reduced Meals
There is an additional student selector that allows you to select a specific student. Upon selection the dashboard will update automatically to display the new student’s results data. You can also search for a specific student using the Individual Student Search: type the student forename, surname or unique identifier click on the search button. It will filter out the Individual Student Selection that you can then select.

WPV Detail View
The WPV Details View is where you can view the historic results data for an individual pupil for each assessment (CAT4, NGRT, PTE, PTM or PTS). To the left of the chart, the Content breakdown selector works in the same way as in WSV. When you hover over any bar, the tooltip will appear with detail information.
To select to view a different pupil in this view you must first exit the Details View.