Pre-testing essentials (digital)

Using the screening tool

The screening process should be fun – it is not meant to be like a formal test. Therefore, it is acceptable to do different bits on different days; for children younger than three years, you may need to administer items at different times of the day rather than doing them all at once. This will help keep the child’s attention and will give you a better idea of what they are capable. If a child is finding it hard to concentrate, take a break and come back to it later. Make sure the child waits until you have finished saying what you want them to do before he/she picks up or points to any objects or pictures. 


There are two options for administering the digital WellComm assessment:

  • Full digital assessment: two digital devices are required – one for the practitioner and one for the child

  • Hybrid assessment: one digital device is required for the practitioner, and the Early Years Picture Book and/or Primary Picture Book is used by the child.

Please refer to Minimum System Requirements for details of suitable devices.

For both options you will need stable Wi-Fi.

Setting up

  • Gather the required equipment: real objects or toys are listed on the Prep Screen in WellComm Digital. WellComm Digital will automatically select the age-appropriate section of the assessment for the child based on their date of birth.

  • If possible, find a quiet corner to carry out any direct screening of items. This will help with the child’s concentration. If you are screening in the child’s own home, try to minimise any background noise. 

  • When giving instructions to the child, do not give any visual or verbal clues. This includes looking at or pointing to any of the objects or pictures you are asking questions about, as well as nodding with your head, or stressing individual words. 

  • Try not to give any specific feedback regarding whether an item has been achieved or not. Keep praise general regardless of the child’s response (e.g., ‘good listening’ or ‘good try’). Specific praise can change subsequent responses on items requiring more than one trial. Also, it can be demoralising when it is clear the child has not achieved an item. 

Using the WellComm pictures and physical objects

  • Encourage the child to scan the whole picture before asking them to listen and respond. It may be helpful to draw your finger over all the items, asking the child to ‘look’ without supplying any additional information before you ask them to ‘point to the …’. Pointing to the different areas of the page will help the child scan all the items before selecting. 

  • When using real objects or toys, allow some handling of the items first if appropriate. This should ensure the child chooses the item due to processing the language rather than selecting the item they like the most. Take your time and remember it is more important to get an accurate picture than to go through all the items in one session.