Scoring and reporting

The WellComm Group Profile Sheet (paper users only)

It is strongly advised that a record is kept of the scores generated by the Screening Tool. This can be done by using the ‘Group Profile Sheet’ included in The Little Book of Score Sheets and Rules, which can record results for up to 30 children. List each child’s name in the left-hand column and then mark the section on which each child achieved a ‘Green’ score (1–9).

The WellComm Digital Reporting Package

By entering the results of the WellComm assessment in the WellComm Digital Reporting Tool, practitioners can monitor the progress of both individuals and groups of children.

WellComm Digital users have access to the following:

Individual reports

  • Suitable for use by settings using WellComm with individual children only

  • Generates a profile of a child’s current language skills

  • Provides a list of teaching targets (based on items the child did not achieve) from which the user is directed to relevant activities from The Big Book of Ideas

  • Progress reports can be used to monitor children over time.

Group reports

  • Provide analysis of all the pupils’ scores within a particular group as defined by the user (e.g. gender, EAL, free school meals, class setting).

  • Present further categorisation of these results e.g. by age, gender, ethnicity, special educational needs (SEND) and EAL.

  • Record progress over defined periods (e.g., year-on-year) to help settings monitor the impact of any interventions introduced.

Cluster or cross-setting reports

It is important for any large organisation or local authority to possess a comprehensive picture of children’s speech and language skills across all settings and at all ages. This can help with strategic planning. Every cluster or cross-setting report presents:

  • The total number of settings and children within the WellComm scheme.
  • The total number of children achieving a Red, Amber or Green score.
  • Further categorisation of this data to show results by age, gender, ethnicity, setting, special educational needs and English as an additional language.
  • The results of each individual setting (so that comparisons can be made).

WellComm Digital also helps large groups of settings monitor progress over certain period of times (e.g., year-on-year) by highlighting the percentage of children moving from Red to Amber and Amber to Green, etc. These comparisons are vital for monitoring the impact of any interventions introduced and providing evidence of progress made, both by individual children and within different settings.