Quick data guide

When you have completed the Score Sheet and drawn up a profile, the overall score will give you a colour-code for each individual child. This colour-code allows you to keep a record of each child’s attainment and progress. The codes indicate the following:



Language skills are significantly delayed


Language skills are mildly delayed


Language skills are age appropriate


This table will help you decide next steps, which can be recorded on the Score Sheet for reference and follow-up.




Repeat the screening process using the Score Sheets from the age bands below until the child achieves a Green score.


If the child is having significant difficulties, use your judgement to decide which section to screen the child on next.


Record the section on which the child achieves a Green code (i.e. Section 1-9) on the original score sheet that corresponds with the child’s age.

Repeat the screening process using the Score Sheets from the age band below until the child achieves a Green score.


Record the section on which the child achieves a Green code (i.e. Section 1-9) on the original score sheet that corresponds with the child’s age.


In cases where a child achieves two successive Amber scores, be aware that the child may have a specific communication difficulty.

This indicates language development is at the level it should be.


You don’t need to carry on once you have a score that falls in the Green band.

Follow the advice and activities in The Big Book of Ideas for the section above where the child achieved a Green code.


If you need to access further advice/assessment from a specialised service in your area, use your knowledge of general developmental norms to make a judgement as to where to signpost the ‘Red’ child.


If the problems appear to be specific to communication, you could refer to speech and language therapy, in consultation with the parents. If the communication problems are part of global delay, refer onwards via your local multi-agency pathway.

Follow the advice and activities in The Big Book of Ideas for the section above where the child achieved a Green code.


Within three months, re-screen the child using the age-appropriate section. If the child then achieves an Amber or Red code, a referral to an outside agency may be appropriate (refer to the Red column in this table for guidance).

If you would like to follow advice and activities to help develop the child’s language skills further, refer to The Big Book of Ideas.


Follow the activities for the section above where the child achieve:d a Green code.