Pre-testing essentials

Test environment

It is essential that the testing environment is quiet and free from distractions. Ideally the child will be familiar with the environment prior to testing. Further specific guidance can be found in the test manual.

Before the session begins

Assessing students with PhAB or PhAB2 is straightforward but before attempting to test any student, teachers should first run through the complete suite of subtests to familiarise themselves.

Ensure the student/s understand the nature of the task/s, how to indicate responses, and when to respond. Students should not be allowed to take the subtests if they are unwell.

Setting up

Before carrying out any screening with your students, you should ensure that you have set up all necessary resources in an appropriate testing environment.

Time needed for testing

The subtests can be administered over more than one sitting if necessary and not all need to be completed if targeting specific areas.

  • PhAB – 6 subtests can be completed in about 15-20 mins
  • PhAB2 – 10 subtests – can be completed in about 25-30 mins