About Recall
What is Recall?
Lucid Recall is a suite of computerised tests designed for the assessment of working memory skills in the age range 7 years 0 months to 16 years 11 months. The Lucid Recall suite comprises standardised tests of the following memory processes:
- Phonological loop (Word Recall test)
- Visuo-spatial sketchpad (Pattern Recall test)
- Central executive function (Counting Recall test)
In addition, Lucid Recall provides the following additional standardised measures derived from those core tests:
- Composite working memory skills
- Working memory processing speed
Test administration is carried out entirely by the computer. Two editions of the program are available: Lucid Recall Standalone Edition (for individual computers and single administration at any given time) and Lucid Recall Network Edition (which is installed on a school computer network and can be used anywhere on that network to assess groups of students up to the maximum permitted at any given time by the licence). Information about the installation of Lucid Recall is provided separately with the program. Information about running the program such as registration of students and accessing reports is provided in the context-sensitive help, which is available by pressing the F1 key on the keyboard throughout the software (except for when using the Test Module). Help can also be delivered by mouse-clicking on the Help icon on the Option Menu which is always visible on the left margin of the Administration Module.
Each test begins with spoken instructions and practice items. The total suite takes 20–30 minutes. Full details of the tests in Lucid Recall, including guidelines on test administration, are given in Chapter 2. Results, based on nationally standardised norms, are available immediately. Results are given in standard score and centile score formats and age equivalents within the age range 7:0 – 16:11. Guidance on understanding results and interpreting reports are given in Chapter 3, with advice on how children with poor working memory can be helped given in Chapter 4. Finally, Chapter 4 discusses a number of illustrative case studies, providing pointers for effective intervention and classroom support.
Why use Recall?
Recall provides a reliable, valid, and efficient method for identifying children with a poor working memory. It is a fully digitised assessment that can be used to assess individuals or large groups.
Recall does not require specialist teacher or assessor input and is therefore particularly suited to large-scale screening. The test is largely self-administered, and results are available immediately; both factors help to reduce administrative load and avoid time delays.
Each of the three subtests is adaptive, with progress through each test and point of discontinuation being determined by cumulative performance. This reduces assessment time and helps to maintain the test-taker’s motivation regardless of ability.
No minimum time interval needs to be placed on retesting, nor on the number of occasions that retests are given. This can be very useful when needing to evaluate the impact of an intervention over time.
Features of Recall
- Fully computerised
- 20-30 minutes
- Assess working memory skills in students aged 7 to 16
- Interactive and engaging
- 3 adaptive subtests