About CAT4

What is CAT4?

The Cognitive Abilities Test Fourth Edition (CAT4) is a suite of tests developed to support schools in understanding students’ abilities and likely academic potential. 

Results from CAT4 can be used to inform individual and group teaching, for target setting and monitoring the performance of groups of students.

CAT4 comprises four batteries of tests that assess the main types of mental processing that play a substantial role in human thought.

CAT4 assesses the ability to reason with and manipulate different types of material.

The CAT4 batteries assess:  

  • reasoning with words; 

  • reasoning with numbers; 

  • reasoning with shapes and designs; 

  • thinking with and mentally manipulating precise shapes.

The set of four scores obtained from assessment with CAT4 provides a profile of a student’s abilities, as well as providing an overall summary score of their reasoning abilities across the four areas.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your school is currently using remote learning methods you cannot use CAT4.

Why use CAT4?

A child’s verbal skills may be obvious in the classroom, but they are only part of the story. CAT4 reveals hidden potential by assessing the other main types of reasoning ability known to make a difference to learning and achievement. CAT4 provides you with a rounded profile of the whole child.

Features of CAT4

  • CAT4 is available in both paper and digital editions. (CAT4 Y is available only in paper form and only in the UK).
  • The basic elements of each test have been kept simple and clear to ensure the tests are accessible to students of the appropriate age for each test level.
  • CAT4 emphasises the assessment of rational thinking; the ability to understand relationships between elements using the four test batteries.
  • The set of four scores obtained from assessment with CAT4 provides a profile of a student’s abilities, as well as an overall summary score of reasoning ability across the four areas.

Please see 'What is CAT4’ in the Teacher Guidance to learn more.