About Rapid

Rapid Dyslexia Screening is an objective computer-based system for identification of dyslexia between the ages of 4 to 15 years. It is swift and easy to administer, taking only 15 minutes – less than any comparable system currently available. Results, based on national standardised norms, are available immediately. A simple, printable report of the results, which incorporates automatic expert interpretation, gives a clear indication of the probability of dyslexia.

Rapid Dyslexia Screening gives the student three separate dyslexia sensitive subtests, each of which takes about 5 minutes. The subtests administered vary with the age of the student but have been carefully selected and validated so that screening accuracy is maximised. Two of the subtests measure the student’s phonological processing and auditory working memory. For students aged 8 and over, the third subtest measures phonic decoding skills. Students under 8 years are administered a third subtest that measures their integration of visual memory skills with use of verbal labels and concepts.