Understanding your data
Using PT Data to address gaps in learning
Curriculum content analysis in the Group Report for Teachers enables you to easily identify strengths and weaknesses across groups or cohorts, helping you to address gaps in learning through data-informed curriculum planning. Question-level analysis is available to allow a deeper dive and assessment links to national curricula are available for each level of PTE, PTM and PTS.

Overall scores and group rank, available in the Group Report for Teachers, will help identify those students most in need of additional support and intervention. Curriculum content and question level analysis in the Group Report for Teachers and Individual Student Report for Teachers can then be used to inform the content of individual and group interventions to make the best use of that time.

Progress reporting
When you create a report for progress tests, you will now be asked to select the subject, level, and the form on which you wish to report. This will be the case whether you select an individual student report for teachers (ISRT) or a group report (GRT), or if you select combination report. If you are a MAT or school group, you will need to make this same selection for a cluster report.
If you create an ISRT or GRT report you will find an additional table included in your report. This table is called Previous & Current scores. This will include the current test data that you have just selected when you generated this report, alongside the most recent previous test data we have for that student. It does not matter when the student last sat a test, as long as we have a record you will see this score populated in the table.
If you have chosen to test twice within the academic year, this is going to give a clear and quick comparison of the two scores.
If you are continuing to test once a year, you will also benefit from seeing these scores side by side in this new table.
Please note: these additional features will only be available where both tests have been sat as either paper or digital.
Twice yearly administration with Form A and Form B
Testing twice in the year using PTE gives you an extra standardised data point. This has a range of uses, including:
- Identify the baseline of new students joining the school
- Measure in-year progress by comparing standard age scores (SAS) from the two results
- Identify interventions needed in the first sitting of the test, and measure the effectiveness of interventions in the second sitting of the test
- Measure retention of curriculum content over long breaks by testing between school years