NGST Sample Reports
New Group Spelling Test (NGST) is an ideal screening and monitoring tests for groups of pupils. NGST scores can be bought to life through a variety of diagnostic reports, enabling teachers, SENCos and other educational professionals to build a comprehensive picture of a pupil and their spelling ability. Reports also contain an indicator of likely achievement at Key Stage 2 and GCSE. The following reports are available as part of our NGST Scoring & Reporting Service:
NGST Group Report for Teachers
A summary of the age-standardised scores for the chosen group of students, presented in rank order and compared to the national population (national percentile rank). Also includes:
- A ‘spelling age’ for each student
- Analysis of group scores by categories such as EAL and SEND.
NGST Individual Student Report for Teachers
Shows all scores, a profile summary for each student and implications for teaching and learning. This report informs teachers about individual students’ results and indicates how specific issue/s can be improved with bespoke ‘implications for teaching and learning’. Includes:
- A profile description for each student with written implications for teaching and learning.
- A breakdown of scores for each student, including the SAS with confidence bands, National Percentile Rank, stanine and spelling age
- A description of the assessment and a reminder of how scores are reported
- An analysis of responses by question; detailing each target word, spelling rule, score and actual response
The Progress Report for Teachers (PDF format) provides a summary of the progress made over time for the chosen group of students with either two or three points of progress. The report includes:
- A table of scores for all students in your group, showing amongst other data the SAS, progress category and a reading or spelling age for each point of testing
- Analysis of group scores compared to the national average, broken down by various categories including previously defined categories such as EAL and SEND
- An overall progress scatter chart showing which students have made higher than, lower than or expected progress along with a further breakdown of progress over time, and progress for individual students between test points
NGST Excel Group and Individual Reports
- A CSV/ Excel report which gives all raw/core data enabling further analysis of results and import into other systems
- A breakdown of scores for all students, including raw score, SAS, NPR and stanine scores as well as individual question scores where applicable.
Reading and Spelling Group Report for Teachers
The Reading and Spelling Group Report for Teachers shows the scores of NGST and NGRT together and gives a summary of the age-standardised scores for the chosen group of students, presented both in rank order and compared to the national population (national percentile rank). Report includes:
Scores for all students in the group, showing SAS for both tests and group ranking
- Analysis of group scores compared to the national average, plus a spelling age and reading age for each student
- Analysis of group scores by previously defined categories such as EAL and SEND
- An overall attainment score detailing whether a student has a higher spelling or reading attainment
Reading and Spelling Individual Student Report for Teachers
The Reading and Spelling Individual Report for Teachers shows all scores, a profile summary for each student and implications for teaching and learning. This report will inform teachers about each individual student's results in both assessments and indicate how specific issues can be improved. Report includes:
- A breakdown of scores for each student, including the SAS for both tests with confidence bands, National Percentile Rank, stanine, reading age and spelling age
- An overall attainment score detailing whether a student has a higher spelling or reading attainment
- A profile description for each student with written implications for teaching and learning
Reading and Spelling Excel Report
- CSV/Excel report gives all raw/core data for both assessments enabling further analysis of results and import into other systems
- A breakdown of scores for all students, including raw scores, SAS, NPR, spelling and reading ages and stanine scores.