Quick data guide
Standard Age Score (SAS)
This is the most important piece of information derived from NGRT. The SAS is based on the number of questions a student has answered correctly; the score is adjusted for age and placed on a scale that makes a comparison with a nationally representative sample of students of the same age across the UK. The average score is 100. The SAS is key to benchmarking and tracking progress and is the fairest way to compare the performance of different students within a year group or across year groups.
Overall Stanine
This places the student’s score on a scale of 1 (low) to 9 (high) and offers a broad overview of their performance.
Reading age
This is the age at which a score is most likely to be achieved based on the national sample.
National Percentile Rank (NPR)
This relates to the SAS and indicates the percentage of students obtaining any score. NPR of 50 is average. NPR of 5 means that the student’s score is within the lowest 5% of the national sample; NPR of 95 means that the student’s score is within the highest 5% of the national sample.
Reading Ability Scale
This is a development scale and can be used to monitor a student’s reading ability or development over time. The values on the scale are 0 to 600 – a higher scale score represents a higher reading ability level. The reading ability of a student aged 6 years is around 200; for age 9 years it is around 300; and for age 16 it is around 400.
For information on the analysis of your data please see Understanding your data.