Introduction to Dyscalculia Screener


The Dyscalculia Screener aims to highlight dyscalculic tendencies, so that you can identify and offer help to individuals. It can be used from age 6 to 14+ and has been standardised to make the results accurate and reliable.

The screener comprises five computer-controlled, item-timed sub-tests.

Simple reaction time

Speed of response is the measure used in the assessment so a test of simple reaction time is shown first. The reaction times of the other sub-tests are adjusted to take this measure into account.

Dot enumeration

Asks the pupil to compare the number of dots on half of the screen with the number on the other half of the screen, and to press a key to show whether the two numbers match.

Numerical stroop

Asks the pupil to select the larger of the two numbers shown on the screen.

Arithmetic achievement (addition)

A sum is shown on the screen with an answer. The pupil has to judge as quickly as possible whether the answer shown is correct.

Arithmetic achievement (multiplication)

A sum is shown on the screen with an answer. The pupil has to judge as quickly as possible whether the answer shown is correct. Only those aged 10 or over will see the multiplication sub-test.