Series 1: February – June 2024
Episode 1: Using standardised assessments to support children with barriers to learning
Hosted date: 20/02/2024
In this webinar, we covered:
Using assessments to identify and support children with barriers to learning
The benefits of using standardised assessments to support SEND.
Episode 2: Identifying SEND, spatial ability, and exam access needs
Hosted date: 19/03/2024
In this session, we answered more of your burning SEND questions including:
The role of screeners in diagnosing SEND compared to the diagnostic use of assessments
The impact of spatial ability on classroom learning
Learn how to support students with additional needs during exams, including arranging access for GL Education assessments.
Episode 3: Preparing for, and supporting, transitions
Hosted date: 16/04/2024
In this session, we discuss preparing for, and supporting, transitions.
Episode 4: Using assessments to support EAL learners
Hosted date: 14/05/2024
In this session, we discuss supporting EAL learners, answering questions such as:
How to administer assessments with EAL learners
How GL Assessment assessments can identify learners facing barriers due to having English as an additional language.
Episode 5: Making your data work – a guide to our data consultations
Hosted date: 11/06/2024
In the final episode of this series, we are joined by Rachel O’Neil, Assessment Insights Manager at GL Assessment, to discuss how our data consultations can help you dig deeper into your assessment data.
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