NGST Spelling Rules

Here are the NGST Spelling Rules.

Rule number Rule Example word
1 u-e June
2 ar car
3 ee see
4 ea (/ee/) sea
5 er her
6 ir girl
7 ur turn
8 oo (/oo/) food
9 oo (/u/) book
10 oa boat
11 ou out
12 ow, ow, ue, uw now
13 ie lie
14 ie chief
15 igh high
16 or for
17 ore more
18 aw saw
19 au author
20 air fair
21 ear bear
22 are bare
23 words ending -y very
24 ph and wh dolphin
25 /k/ as k sketch
26 prefix un- unhappy
27 compound words sunset
28 The /dʒ/ sound spelt as ge and dge and g badge
29 The /s/ sound spelt c before e, i and y race
30 The /n/ sound spelt kn and gn knock
31 The /r/ sound spelt wr at the beginning of words write
32/33/34/35 The /l/ sound spelt -le, -el, -al and -il at the end of words table
36 The /aɪ/ sound spelt -y at the end of words cry
37 Adding -es to nouns and verbs ending in -y cries
38 Adding -ed, -ing, -er and -est to a root word ending in -y copied
39 Adding the endings -ing, -ed, -er, -est and -y to words ending in -e hiking
40 Adding -ing, -ed, -er, -est and -y to words of one syllable patting
41 The /ɔ:/ sound spelt a before l and ll all
42 The /ʌ/ sound spelt o other
43 The /i:/ sound spelt -ey key
44 The /ɒ/ sound spelt a after w and qu want
45 The /ɜ:/ sound spelt or after w word
46 The /ɔ:/ sound spelt ar after w war
47 The /ʒ/ sound spelt s television
48 The suffixes -ment, -ness, -ful, -less and -ly enjoyment
50 Words ending in -tion station
51 Homophones and near-homophones sun/son
52 Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words forgetting
53 The /ɪ/ sound spelt y elsewhere than at the end of words myth
54 The /ʌ/ sound spelt ou young
55 Prefixes disappoint
56 The suffix -ation information
57 The suffix -ly sadly
58 Words with endings sounding like /ʒə/ or /tʃə/ measure
59 Endings which sound like /ʒən/ division
60 The suffix -ous famous
61 Endings which sound like /ʃən/ spelt -tion, -sion, -ssion, -cian invention
62 Words spelt with the /k/ sound spelt ch scheme
63 Word spelt with the /ʃ/ sound spelt ch chef
64 Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt -gue and the /k/ sound spelt -que league
65 Words with the /s/ sound spelt sc scene
66 Words with the /eɪ/ sound spelt ei, eigh or ey vein
67 Endings which sound like /shus/ spelt -cious or -tious vicious
68 Endings which sound like /shal/ partial
69 Words ending in -ant, -ance/ -ancy, -ent, -ence/ -ency observant
70 Words ending in -able and -ible and -ably and -ibly sensible
71 Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in -fer referring
72 Use of the hyphen co-education
73 Words with the /ee/ sound spelt ei after c deceive
74 Words containing the letter string ough bough
75 Words with silent letters doubt
76 Homophones and other words that are often confused advice/advise
98 Homophones or near-homophones accept/except
99 Common exception words the
100 No rule propeller